Beanstalk Jack is a minor antagonist who appears in The Giant’s Wife. He is one of Vicky’s friends.
In The Giant’s Wife, Beanstalk Jack is asked by Vicky to help trap Rose’s team. He enthusiastically agrees and summons his magic axe which chops down the beanstalk in a matter of seconds. When the mission dragons confront him for trying to trap their friends, he uses a bag of magic beans to trap them and hold them in place while he escapes. He is flown up to the Giant’s house by the Snow Queen and tries to steal Astoria’s fire bangles, but one of Rose’s PomPoms trips him and Astoria uses her Tower Magic to wrap his entire body in ivy.
Magical Abilities[]
- Magic Axe: Jack can make his magic axe appear in a flash of yellow-green light to quickly chop down plants.
- Magic beans: Jack has magic beans that rapidly grow into vines and seed pods to entangle others. These vines are strong enough to restrain dragons.